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On the basis of this analysis, the authors concluded that there is a meaningful clinical benefit to be gained from re-treatment of such patients with parenteral antibiotic therapy cannot be justified. Lantos y colegas declararon que la mayor parte de la controversia que rodea a la enfermedad de Lyme pertenece a si se produce infección prolongada, refractario al tratamiento, por lo general se refiere a la enfermedad como crónica de Lyme.

Algunos han propuesto que las variantes morfológicas redondas de B. De los 29 estudios adicionales que describen la morfología de B. Indicaron que no hay literatura clínica para justificar un tratamiento específico de B. Newberg et al stated that there were no positron emission tomography PET studies reported in the literature with regards to brain metabolism and function in patients with Lyme disease. These patients frequently present with various neurological symptoms, including memory problems.

Images were evaluated for cortical and subcortical abnormalities by 2 experienced reviewers blinded to the clinical information.

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Of these, 12 had bilateral temporal lobe hypo-metabolism, 2 had left temporal lobe, and 3 had right temporal lobe hypo-metabolism. Seven of the patients with temporal lobe hypo-metabolism had diffuse cortical hypo-metabolism that included the frontal and parietal lobes. Lyme disease appears to have 2 primary patterns of brain involvement on FDG PET scans, specific temporal lobe hypo-metabolism or a diffuse cortical hypo-metabolism. The involvement of the temporal lobes in both patterns is likely associated with the memory disturbances described in many of these patients.

The authors concluded that although there was no clear diagnostic pattern, and many of the defects were mild, FDG PET imaging may provide important information regarding the areas of the brain affected in patients with neurological symptoms associated with Lyme disease.

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Estos investigadores describieron un paciente que presentó los hallazgos clínicos que sugiere un proceso de tronco cerebral. Antes de la biopsia, la evaluación de laboratorio se llegó al diagnóstico de la enfermedad de Lyme. Furthermore, the review does not mention testing for neuroadrenal expanded panel including histamine, serotonin, and hydroxyindoleacetic acid HIAA.

El ensayo iSpot Lyme mide la producción de citoquinas in-vitro, específicamente interferón gamma, a partir de células T en respuesta a la activación de antígeno Lyme. Unos trabajos científicos han investigado su uso como una prueba de diagnóstico para la enfermedad de Lyme; Sin embargo, no hay consenso sobre su uso. Between and , patients with symptoms of suspected clinical LNB were included in a study conducted on the Aland islands in the Finnish archipelago, which is a hyper-endemic area for Lyme borreliosis LB.

The authors concluded that the findings in this study showed that this ELISPOT-assay modified to be feasible in clinical routine laboratories is not useful as a supplementary diagnostic tool in the laboratory diagnosis of patients with clinically suspected LNB. Jin et al noted that Lyme Borreliosis is an infectious disease caused by the spirochete B. Both B cell-mediated humoral immunity and T cell immunity develop during natural Borrelia infection. However, compared with humoral immunity, the T cell response to Borrelia infection has not been well-elucidated.

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  • In this study, a novel T cell-based assay was developed and validated for the sensitive detection of antigen-specific T cell response to B. To test this new method as a potential laboratory diagnostic tool, these investigators performed a clinical study with a cohort of Borrelia-positive patients and healthy controls.

    They demonstrated that the iSpot Lyme assay has a significantly higher specificity and sensitivity compared with the Western Blot assay that is currently used as a diagnostic measure. These preliminary findings need to be validated by well-designed studies. Marques observaron que los estudios en animales sugirieron que B. No existe evidencia convincente para la persistencia de espiroquetas viables después de los cursos recomendados de la terapia con antibióticos en los seres humanos.

    Estos investigadores determinaron la seguridad del uso de larvas de I. Las garrapatas se ensayaron para B. Xenodiagnóstico se repitió en 7 individuos. Xenodiagnóstico fue bien tolerado sin acontecimientos adversos graves. Xenodiagnóstico fue positivo para ADN de B. No hay suficiente evidencia, sin embargo, a la conclusión de que las espiroquetas viables estaban presentes en cualquiera de paciente. Los autores concluyeron que el uso de larvas xenodiagnostico Ixodes scapularis fue segura y bien tolerada.

    Although not clinically available, xenodiagnosis has been used to detect B. In one study, I. The ticks were then tested for B. Xenodiagnosis was well tolerated; the most common adverse event was mild itching at the tick attachment site. Of the 23 patients with a history of Lyme disease, 19 tested negative for B. Of the two who tested positive, one had erythema migrans and was receiving antibiotics, and one had post—treatment Lyme disease. Sanchez and colleagues provided an update on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of tick-borne infections.

    These investigators performed a search of PubMed and Scopus for articles on diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of tick-borne infections published in English from January through December The search yielded 3, articles for diagnosis and treatment and articles for prevention. Of these articles, were reviewed in depth. Microscopy and PCR assay of blood specimens are used to diagnose active human granulocytic anaplasmosis HGA and babesiosis.


    The effectiveness of oral doxycycline, amoxicillin, and cefuroxime axetil for treating Lyme disease has been established in multiple trials. Ceftriaxone is recommended when parenteral antibiotic therapy is recommended. Multiple trials have shown effectiveness for a day course of oral doxycycline for treatment of erythema migrans and for a day course for treatment of early neurologic Lyme disease in ambulatory patients. Evidence indicates that a day course of oral doxycycline is effective for HGA and that a 7- to day course of azithromycin plus atovaquone is effective for mild babesiosis.

    Based on multiple case reports, a 7- to day course of clindamycin plus quinine is often used to treat severe babesiosis.


    A recent study supports a minimum of 6 weeks of antibiotics for highly immunocompromised patients with babesiosis, with no parasites detected on blood smear for at least the final 2 weeks of treatment. The authors concluded that evidence is evolving regarding the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of Lyme disease, HGA, and babesiosis. Recent evidence supports treating patients with erythema migrans for no longer than 10 days when doxycycline is used and prescription of a day course of oral doxycycline for early neurologic Lyme disease in ambulatory patients.

    The duration of anti-microbial therapy for babesiosis in severely immunocompromised patients should be extended to 6 weeks or longer. In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, Berende and associates examined if longer-term antibiotic treatment of persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease leads to better outcomes than does shorter-term treatment. These researchers assigned patients with persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease -- either related temporally to proven Lyme disease or accompanied by a positive IgG or IgM immunoblot assay for Borrelia burgdorferi -- to receive a week oral course of doxycycline, clarithromycin plus hydroxychloroquine, or placebo.

    All study groups received open-label intravenous ceftriaxone for 2 weeks before initiating the randomized regimen. The primary outcome measure was health-related quality of life, as assessed by the physical-component summary score of the RAND Health Status Inventory RAND SF range of 15 to 61, with higher scores indicating better quality of life , at the end of the treatment period at week 14, after the 2-week course of ceftriaxone and the week course of the randomized study drug or placebo had been completed.

    Of the patients who underwent randomization, were included in the modified intention-to-treat analysis 86 patients in the doxycycline group, 96 in the clarithromycin-hydroxychloroquine group, and 98 in the placebo group. The SF physical-component summary score did not differ significantly among the 3 study groups at the end of the treatment period, with mean scores of The rates of adverse events AEs were similar among the study groups; 4 serious AEs thought to be related to drug use occurred during the 2-week open-label ceftriaxone phase, and no serious drug-related AE occurred during the week randomized phase.

    The authors concluded that in patients with persistent symptoms attributed to Lyme disease, longer-term antibiotic treatment did not have additional beneficial effects on health-related quality of life beyond those with shorter-term treatment.

    Tratamiento se está probando en algunos países afectados por la pandemia

    Puri et al noted that while pharmacotherapy with intravenous ceftriaxone, a third-generation cephalosporin, is a potential treatment of Lyme neuroborreliosis, there is concern that it can cause the formation of biliary sludge, leading to hepatobiliary complications such as biliary colic, jaundice and cholelithiasis, which are reflected in changes in serum levels of bilirubin and markers of cholestatic liver injury alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase.

    It has been suggested that the naturally occurring substances alpha-lipoic acid and glutathione may be helpful in preventing hepatic disease. Alpha-lipoic acid exhibits anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic activities in the liver, while glutathione serves as a sulfhydryl buffer. These researchers examined if co-administration of alpha-lipoic acid and glutathione is associated with significant changes in serum levels of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase during the treatment of Lyme neuroborreliosis with long-term intravenous ceftriaxone.

    None of the patients developed biliary colic and there were no significant changes in serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase or gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase levels over the course of the intravenous ceftriaxone treatment mean length The authors concluded that co-administration of alpha-lipoic acid and glutathione is associated with no significant changes in serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase or gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase levels during the treatment of neuroborreliosis with intravenous ceftriaxone. Wormser and colleagues noted that in older studies, a chronic distal symmetric sensory neuropathy was reported as a relatively common manifestation of late Lyme disease in the United States.

    However, the original papers describing this entity had notable inconsistencies and certain inexplicable findings, such as reports that this condition developed in patients despite prior antibiotic treatment known to be highly effective for other manifestations of Lyme disease. More recent literature suggested that this entity is seen rarely, if at all. The authors concluded that a chronic distal symmetric sensory neuropathy as a manifestation of late Lyme disease in North America should be regarded as controversial, and in need of rigorous validation studies before acceptance as a documented clinical entity.

    In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial carried out from to Steere et al, , a total of 20 patients with established Lyme arthritis were assigned treatment with 2. The Lyme spirochete was not cultured from synovium or joint fluid. The authors concluded that established Lyme arthritis can often be treated successfully with parenteral penicillin. Moreover, they stated that neither of the regimens tested was uniformly effective, and further investigation is needed to determine the optimal course of therapy. Steere y asociados en comparación fenoximetil penicilina, eritromicina y tetraciclina, en cada caso de mg 4 veces al día durante 10 días, para el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Lyme temprana etapa 1.

    Para anormalidades neurológicas etapa 2 , 12 pacientes fueron tratados con dosis altas de IV penicilina, 20 millones de U al día durante 10 días.

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    El dolor generalmente disminuyó durante la terapia, pero se necesitaba una media de 7 a 8 semanas para la recuperación completa de déficits motores. Por lo tanto, todas las 3 etapas de la enfermedad de Lyme se pueden tratar con la terapia con antibióticos, pero algunos pacientes con enfermedad finales pueden no responder.


    Este estudio presenta los mismos datos que se informó en el estudio de los autores. Cimmino y colaboradores examinaron la eficacia de varios regímenes terapéuticos para la artritis de Lyme. Un informe anecdótico indica el valor clínico de la penicilina benzatina a largo plazo para la artritis de Lyme crónica. El papel de las inyecciones intraarticulares de esteroides o sinovectomía es todavía controvertida. Los autores concluyeron que el tratamiento con antibióticos es la piedra angular del tratamiento de la artritis de Lyme; intervenciones adicionales deben ser estudiadas para los pacientes con resistencia a los antibióticos de la artritis de Lyme.

    Fingerle and Wilske noted that every manifestation of Lyme borreliosis needs to be treated with antibiotics. The type of antibiotic applied and duration of treatment will depend on the stage and severity of the disease. Erythema migrans, Borrelia lymphocytoma, Lyme arthritis and acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans are primarily treated orally. If neurological symptoms, severe Lyme carditis or eye manifestations are present, IV treatment is initially recommended.

    For oral therapy, doxycycline, amoxicillin, cefuroxime and, if intolerance is shown, azithromycin, are available. For IV treatment ceftriaxone, cefotaxime or penicillin G is employed. The overall prognosis for treated Lyme borreliosis is good.